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The Wisdom of Spiritual Traditions

Spiritual Healing

With Michalis Mourtzis M.D (A.M)

Cycle of 8 Workshops in Munich, Germany

1st Module:

29th and 30th of March 2025

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"Healing With Energy" is a major part of the work of Michalis Mourtzis, spanning a period of 20 years, where Michalis visited various parts of the world receiving teachings and initiations in techniques of spiritual development and energy healing.

This program offers a complete and comprehensive way of cultivating the healer we all have inside us. Participants will be trained into means of diagnosing, healing, cultivating energy and connecting with God's Grace, through rare inner and secret healing practices that originate from the most ancient spiritual traditions of humanity, including the ancient Shamanic tradition of Bonpo, Hindu Tantra, Ayurveda, Taoism, Kabbalah, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Vajrayana, the esoteric vehicle of Buddhism.

This training program is relevant to any person who feels the need to heal and know themselves in a deeper way and in particular to energy healers and alternative therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors and health professionals.

"Healing with Energy" is a deep process where participants will get to heal their physical and subtle bodies, so that they can gradually become better connected with their True Nature.

The training offers the opportunity to increase our healing abilities and enhance our potential for spiritual liberation, so that we can consciously take part in the liberation and healing of humanity. Finally, the healing process is focused in the cultivation of wisdom, compassion and joy in our daily lives.

"Healing with Energy, is a profound and dynamic training program, which supports the healing and development of the subtle energetic and physical bodies. Through a deep exploration of theoretical knowledge and application of energetic healing processes, a deeper connection to your true nature will emerge. This is an amazing opportunity for those who wish to renew, deepen or awaken their personal commitment to a path of spiritual development, liberation and for the healing of one-self and others."


Carlos de León


Course material will be adjusted according to the needs and level of the participants. The list bellow is a proposed sample of contents for the whole cycle of this program:

  • ​​​Various Chi Kungs  - For strengthening and developing the healing capacity. We will be working with all 5 types of Chi Kung, mainly focusing on techniques for opening our energy, strengthening our flow and also direct techniques for healing ourselves and others​​

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  • Oriental Diagnosis - We will learn the basic approaches for diagnosing illnesses through just seeing a person's characteristics (marks on the skin, pulses etc)​​

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  • Healing through Ayurvedic techniques - Techniques for detoxifying and reading the pulses, together with basic Ayurvedic elements for healing

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  • Healing with Bijas and Symbols -From various Tibetan Vajrayana and Hindu Tantra schools, the use of seed-syllables and symbols for healing physical and emotional issues

  • Jyoti - Healing of deep emotional trauma from the Hindu Tantra tradition

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  • Golden Chi Techniques - Methods from the Taoist school, for developing healing energies - hot, cold, spiral and golden Chi. The Luo Han Chi Kung and more

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  • Protection Techniques - Techniques from different traditions for protecting the healer during heavy and negative energetic loads

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  • ​Healing in Tantra - Various techniques for healing in a holistic way: Physical, psychological and spiritual purification & healing

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  • Subtle anatomy - Deep esoteric knowledge of the human anatomy. Necessary for all healers

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  • Divine Rays - From the western mysticism, a profound technique for accessing the healing powers of God and breaking the fixation of karma and illusion

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  • ​​Pranic Healing Techniques - From the classic pranic healing school, ways of healing with energy and through Grace

  • ​Energetic Sensitization - Different methods through seed syllables, sounds, Chi Kung and energy movement, in order to open the energy flow and to sense subtle energies

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  • Healing and Clairvoyance - Developing the subtle senses through the use of the elements for deepening our healing intuition

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  • Hypnotherapy - Working with guided meditation while in the hypnagogic state, for healing deep-rooted emotional and physical ailments​​

  • Deep Relaxation and Self-Healing -Through techniques of deep relaxation,  we heal and purify emotional problems​​​​​

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  • Healing in Kabbalah - Various methods for healing from the tradition of the Christian Kabbalah, using Hebrew letters and the names of God​​​​​​​

  • Levels of Reiki - All levels of this system

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  • Divine Light and Healing - Through this profound method of the Han Mi lineage, we will learn to transform the energy patterns in the body and heal vital organs with psychic operations

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  • Healing with Angels - Acquiring the  special support and guidance from Angels during our healing work

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  • Nine Seals of Vajrayana Chi kung - A special Chi Kung that creates a very strong connection with the healing buddhas of this tradition, while developing high levels of energy and clarity for the healer

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  • Karmic Healing - Techniques for transforming and overcoming our personal history​​

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  • Healing with the Double - Special ways of working with the dream body, in order to heal ailments​​​​​​​​

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  • Cancer Healing Techniques - The Taoist approach and vision for healing and transforming cancer​​​​​​​​

  • Death and Phowa - A unique way to facilitate the process of death, in order to achieve liberation, or reincarnation in favourable circumstances​​

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  • ​​Healing with Yidams Various meditational deities and their practices for transforming our reality​​

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  • 5 Element Dakinis - A very important way for healing the body and karma. Also a unique method for balancing the elements in a space, from the tradition of Bon​​​​​​​​

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  • Quan Yin Teachings​​

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  • ​​​Medicine Buddha Teachings​​​​

  • Green, White and Red Tara Teachings​​

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  • Prosperity - Techniques for increasing prosperity from Vajrayana, Tantra and Kabbalah

  • Connecting with Grace - Techniques from Christian Kabbalah and Kashmir Shaivism for connecting with the grace of God, deepening our understanding and our healing ability​​​​​

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Participants who will attend the whole program, will be certified by Amrita.

Amrita School of Meditation Healing & Chi Kung

Epon 20 Heraklion,

Crete, 71409

+30 6940773084

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